Have you started to wonder if you’ll ever feel like yourself again?
Maybe you think it’s all hormonal and feel frustrated that nothing you’ve tried has worked.
You are NOT alone.
And let me assure you—it’s NOT your fault.
I’ve been in your shoes. But what if I told you that the weight gain, fatigue, and those stubborn midlife symptoms
aren’t just about hormones?
It’s TRUE. That’s why I created the
Radiant Health Method for Midlife Women
—to help you uncover the
real root causes of your struggles and guide you back to vibrant health.
I’m here to be your trusted mentor and coach,
ready to help you unlock the secrets to:
*Boosting your energy without medications,
*Losing belly fat without restrictive diets,
*Staying healthy without relying on traditional medicine
With the Radiant Health Method
You’ll follow a simple, proven system that combines science-based functional and lifestyle medicine strategies, nourishing whole foods, and God’s Kingdom Health principles—a winning combination to restore your vitality and radiance.
Join me today and step into the vibrant, energetic, and joyful life you were created to live.
Midlife is not the end—it’s a powerful new beginning!
You can end the vicious cycle of yo-yo diets, frustration and confusion
Experience the joy of wearing clothes a size you haven't worn in years and loving the way you feel and look in them
Live with vitality and confidence
knowing you can be disease-free and medication-free for life
You worry about what will happen in the future if you don't start addressing your weight and making some changes to your health NOW
You doubt you can be successful at losing that belly or ever feel good in a swim suit again because you've tried and failed before; you just feel "old" and wonder if you can turn your health around at this point.
You know God has more for you to do in this life chapter but your weight and your health are keeping you "stuck"
You want to improve your health but the only answer your doctor has is "eat less/exercise more", it's "normal at your age" or "take this pill".
'Before I met Margie I had constant stomach pain regardless of what I tried. Nothing helped. I felt bloated all the time, I had gained weight and just didn't feel good in my clothes. As a grandmother of two little ones, I wanted to be able to play with them without being in pain. I just wanted to feel better!
Margie's program was really about changing our mindset FIRST …then when she taught us how to heal our gut, that's when my weight really began to shift and I started losing inches!
No more bloated feeling …and I’m sleeping SO much better because I no longer have night sweats!! Margie's step by step instructions, our group support and her Kingdom approach was key to my success. I highly recommend Radiant Health Made Simple if you're ready to transform your health
for good!
'The private coaching with Margie was one part of the Radiant Health program that really helped me. There was always an “a-ha” moment where everything started to make sense.
The group support always made it easier. We encouraged each other and learned from one another ...we were better and stronger together. Margie helped me discover the missing piece to my weight loss puzzle ...I had to get my gut healthy if I was ever going to be able to lose weight for good and be healthy again. There are so many reasons that this 16 week program helped me and I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to get their health
We have options for you!
Regardless of the program you choose, we get to the ROOT of your stubborn weight gain, low energy and chronic aches and pains. We use simple and effective strategies founded on functional lab testing, science based nutrition, healthy lifestyle solutions and faith inspired Kingdom health approaches to true healing and longevity.
Experience RADIANT health and learn to love your midlife body without relying on fad diets, traditional medicine or unnecessary medications.
If you like self paced learning then "12 Weeks To A More Radiant YOU" is just what you need for online education and learning.
If you want a bit more "high touch" and support along your health journey check out "Radiance Restored" - a 3 month online PLUS group coaching program
"Radiance Restored PLUS" has all the benefits of my 3 month Radiance Restored program PLUS a Complete Lab Panel and Comprehensive Health Assessment/Lab Review Session
"RADIANCE RESTORED" is the perfect place to start. This proven 12 week program includes access to "12 Weeks To A More Radiant YOU", our online resource for healthy living and longevity. 12 easy- to- access modules filled with educational materials, workbooks and action plans addressing all aspects of health for illness prevention and/or disease reversal in order to RESTORE your health...body, soul and spirit through the use of nutrition and lifestyle change.
Your own personal online Learning Portal with self paced educational materials
Comprehensive Educational materials to address all aspects of radiant health (nutrition, sleep, cleansing/detox, digestive and metabolic health, stress and movement)
Materials include “12 weeks To a More Radiant You”/ “14 Day Cleanse & Detox”
Ongoing LIVE coaching with me in our VIP FB group to support the process
Access to Private VIP Radiant Health FB group
Group support and guidance in our Radiant Health community
Access to private Radiant Health Fasting FB community
7 Keys To Radiant Kingdom Health eBook
Functional lab Tests Available @discounted pricing
Professional grade supplements available @ discounted pricing
You will always have the current version. If I update anything - you get it too. No matter when you joined.
That also includes the Facebook group - you have forever access to that too!
I’ll be your cheerleader, your “go to ” gal for support, encouraging you to be the BEST version of who God created you to be, reminding you that you are His MASTERPIECE !!
Looking for a more CUSTOMIZED APPROACH ?
I've Got You Covered!
"Radiance Restored PLUS"
will provide you with exactly that!
Take your health journey to the next level !
Radiance Restored PLUS
is your ultimate solution to achieving radiant health and vitality with expert guidance every step of the way.
All the Benefits of Radiance Restored
PLUS exclusive bonuses:
**Comprehensive Wellness Lab Panel (Quest) to gain clarity on your current health.
**Health & Nutrition Consultation to uncover the root causes of your health concerns along with with Lab Results and Supplement Review
**Comprehensive, personalized Plan of Care addressing key areas like nutrition, sleep, detoxification, digestive and metabolic health, stress management, and movement.
**A second follow-up Lab Panel at 3 months to track progress and adjust your plan.
**Tailored resources and guidance to support your unique needs.
**Unlimited email and text support for ongoing accountability and encouragement.
15% off professional-grade supplements through FullScript for 6 months.
VIP pricing for the annual Radiant Health Island Retreat.
Everything in Level 1
Unlimited personalized private coaching/consultations with an expert practitioner (me) for deeper, one-on-one support, ensuring the transformations you make are sustainable for a lifetime.
Consultations as needed with a certified Holy Spirit filled Christian Healing Practitioner
When I first started learning how to lose that stubborn weight and avoid medications in order to be healthy over 40 years ago there was no one to show me the way. It was a long-haul figuring it all out on my own, and then to have to address more complicated health concerns in my 60s , I understand how hard it is to persevere through the struggles and frustration. That’s why I designed The Radiant Health Freedom Method to be everything that you need, especially NOW in this later chapter of life and beyond.
We start the journey by shifting our focus from Healthcare DEPENDENCE and a "pill for every ill” mentality to Health FREEDOM through honoring our own innate ability to heal and believing in the power of God's supernatural healing touch. We take responsibility for removing what is harmful and adding what our body, mind and spirit needs to be healthy. Instead of "chasing symptoms" we "listen for signals" and trust our body, our mind and the Holy Spirit's guidance for health and healing. We no longer rely on unnecessary drugs, dangerous injections and other risky conventional medicine approaches to health, healing and longevity.
As we embrace the 7 Keys to Radiant Kingdom Health, we begin to understand God's perspective regarding our health journey. We adopt a Kingdom mindset as we co- create personal ”God - inspired” GOALS and assignments . Only then can we move into our 3 Steps
HEAL THE GUT : Reduce Inflammation & Improve Immunity
The health of your GUT will reveal the health of your entire body. We focus on improving GUT HEALTH to get to the ROOT cause of so many symptoms. By implementing my proven comprehensive 5"R" program we can enhance digestion, absorption, elimination and improve the quality of the "good gut bacteria" necessary to manage weight, improve brain function and more. With a healthy gut, our immune response is better, aches and pains are reduced, energy increases and our weight begins to drop.
CLEANSE THE LIVER : Remove The Toxic Load & Heal The Cells
Once we have a firm foundation with a healthy gut, its time to focus on toxin accumulation in our liver and ultimately our cells. This is a key factor in getting to the root cause of many chronic illnesses and diseases. Our thoughts, beliefs, foods /water we consume and the air we breathe all playa role in toxic overload. In this program we break FREE from thoughts & beliefs that keep us stuck, CLEANSE THE CELLS from both internal and environmental toxins as we embrace healing Kingdom thoughts & beliefs, nutritious foods, targeted supplements and lifestyle choices that enhance the detox process.
We target our bodies main organs of detox, ( liver and kidneys ) and open up the filtering channels to release toxins, reduce body fat, decrease belly bloat & improve overall health.
REIGNITE YOUR METABOLISM: Balance Hormones for Health & Longevity
In addition, our HORMONES play a major role in our metabolic response to keep us healthy
whether that's achieving a healthy weight, breezing through menopause, or preventing chronic lifestyle related illness as we age such as heart disease and diabetes. Fat loss continues, blood sugar balances, energy soars, sleep improves, and brain fog fades. when insulin, cortisol, thyroid and other related hormones are balanced. Hair and nails grow stronger and thicker, moods stabilize and food cravings cease.
You begin to crave HEALTHY foods. Weight loss continues or stabilizes as needed by introducing various Fasting options as a lifestyle to enhance metabolism and promote hormonal balance combined with movement designed to reduce body fat and build/maintain muscle mass.
once all 3 Steps above are completed we can then TRANSITION from a state of surviving and following food RULES & RESTRICTIONS to living in true HEALTH FREEDOM.
Detoxification and Healing now occur naturally on a daily basis without effort . We are able to avoid unnecessary medications by understanding how our symptoms are simply signals our body is sending us. We can confidently eliminate unnecessary medications and implement only basic supplements /foods and lifestyle changes to prevent and /or address any remaining symptoms by using FOOD AS MEDICINE
FREEDOM from routine doctor visits is a part of this TRANSITION. By knowing which blood labs to order , how to order them and how to interpret the results every 6 months is the key to ongoing optimal health...not just the absence of disease. . Know when your condition indicates a need to visit your doctor and when its safe to resolve conditions naturally for prevention of chronic disease and illness.
FREE yourself from the fear of future pandemics, viruses and bacterial infections by creating a natural "home remedy medicine kit", implementing healthy home cleaning products and using non toxic skin and body care. Know how to improve your immune health naturally for protection from future viral and/or bacterial infections rather than risking the serious side effects of experimental and undocumented drugs and /or injections .
Ready to start feeling awesome, lose weight, and get healthy from the inside out?
Grab My FREE RESOURCE below ⬇️
and start your journey to RADIANT HEALTH NOW!
To claim your FREE gift simply fill out the information below and I will send it right over to your inbox!
Yes! Please add me to your email list and send my FREE guide!
Join our community, Faith, Food, and FUNctional Medicine for Women over 50
Site: www.sonlighthealth.com