Hi I'm Margie

I’m on a mission to bring the message of Radiant Health FREEDOM to highly motivated faith filled women in midlife like you, who are DONE with diets that don't work, dangerous prescription meds, and traditional doctors who just don't "get you"

If that's you, you're in the RIGHT place because I "get you" , I was there too....

Not too long ago I wasn’t sure how I would ever restore my energy, my health , or have the motivation needed to return to doing all the activities I used to love.

The Year My Life Changed Forever

In the Spring of 2019 my creative, adventurous, and loving son lost his life to a sudden cardiac arrest at the age of 40. It left our family. myself and all who loved and cherished him shocked and in a state of grief that took a significant toll on my health...physically, emotionally and spiritually.

The following year as I was recovering from a serious bout of the 2020 virus, I began to fall even deeper into an unhealthy state. I experienced severe hair loss, constant fatigue, bloating and a myriad of gut related concerns that lasted for months.

My lab work looked "normal" but I knew something wasn't right.

What worked when i was younger was NOT working in my 60's and  I needed to dig deeper for the solution .

Through the power of prayer and embracing functional vs traditional medicine, I was finally able to get to the root cause of my symptoms.

The FREEDOM I discovered by incorporating God's Kingdom health principles, along with specialized labs and foundational medicine strategies finally gave me the answers I needed to start my journey back to not only feeling better, but to experiencing RADIANT health at a level even better than before.

Healing my gut, detoxing my cells and balancing my hormones were the KEYS to RESTORING my energy, my health and my LIFE .... WITHOUT medications, hormone replacement or medical doctors.

Out of that experience the Radiant Health FREEDOM Method for MIDLIFE women was born.

Those I have helped since then, who struggled to find a solution to their stubborn weight gain, fatigue and chronic pain, have not only successfully reached their weight and health goals, but eliminated multiple medications and are confidently pursuing their God given missions and visions.

I want this for you too….to live each day on purpose…with joy, vitality and in RADIANT Health FREEDOM 

Have I piqued your curiosity?

How a Kingdom Health Approach can change your life the same way it has changed mine...

For an entire year after my son's tragic passing in 2019 , it was all I could do to find my next breath. I began to question my purpose and wanted to quit EVERYTHING.

The thought of a future without the love and laughter that my son brought to every life he touched was beyond bearable at times.

Coupled with the effects of the 2020 virus the following year I could feel my energy draining and my light dimming as my health began to slip away with each day that passed. Doctors had no answers for me.

I began to wonder....

Will I ever feel like myself again?

God was my true source of strength and He MORE than answered my prayers when I didn’t have the solution. ..He re-ignited HIS light within me and showed me HIS plan for my health and my future….all in His timing.

God revealed to me 7 Key areas of health based on His Word that I was to address, along with foundational medicine approaches to discover the root cause of my symptoms and new strategies to healing I had not yet tried . As my energy returned, my mind became clearer and I emerged from that dark space with a new perspective on my health and a more compassionate heart for others.

God's Kingdom health principles were not only KEY factors in my personal healing but they began to permeate every part of my life and everything I now share with my clients.

In Memory of My Son

Ben Roe 1979--2019

Here's what I learned....

Living in Radiant Health FREEDOM according to God’s plan requires that I honor WHO I am in HIM and who I was created to be ..body, soul and spirit ... .willing to look deeper for the root cause and not just cover up symptoms....to embrace true HEALTH CARE vs relying on our current SICK CARE model for answers.

Being healthy means more than just the absence of symptoms , disease or seeing the number on the scale move.

When we no longer struggle with low energy, weight issues, aches and pains, and "brain fog", we can be FREE to confidently step into ALL that God STILL has for us and discover what RADIANT health in His Kingdom really looks and feels like.

I am super excited to help YOU Restore YOUR Radiance ...

...the Light that is already within you..

and SHINE it brightly for others!

I have created consistent successes over the years and now, by incorporating God’s Kingdom-inspired perspective into what was already a very successful approach, I have been blessed to help many MORE women reach their goals. I use these same strategies EVERY DAY to maintain a healthy and vibrant lifestyle myself.

Today I am healthier in my 70's than I've ever been, I wake up every morning to sunshine and palm trees and I am able to physically do anything I choose to do. Most of all, I am FREE from all medications and enjoy the benefits of having family, beach and fresh organic foods readily available. I’m living a life that I once believed was impossible.

I can show you how to do the same. Your energy, weight loss results and overall health can improve when you have a few key pieces in place.

I am completely confident that if God can transform MY life , He will transform YOURS as well!

We are not promised tomorrow .... so we must live each day as if it were our last with a grateful heart for the gift of life and restored health.

Each day is a new opportunity to CHOOSE JOY and live life with a PASSION that only God can provide.

Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

What Are You Waiting For ?

You know you are ready to enjoy a vibrant and healthy life

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and start your journey to RADIANT HEALTH NOW!

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